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Writer's pictureBeryl Williams

What we can have again

When I saw the picture heart just melted! I thought, "Wow! This is the heart that we all start out with!" But the enemy doesn't want that at all, so he sets out to destroy it. And our abuse seems to do just that.  The beautiful thing is that our Heavenly Healer and Daddy can redeem that preciousness that was seemingly destroyed. He WANTS to redeem it....we just have to put ourselves in the position of receiving His healing. That requires just a little bit of trust....but, in my experience, I learned that it is the hardest part. The Lord, in His infinite grace and love, understands how difficult that is for abuse tiny, baby steps are just fine. All we have to do is crack the door a little bit and He will gently and softly come in. I can attest to this in my own experience. I can promise you that He is so tender in His healing.....

So, it begs the question...."How do I open my door just a tiny crack to let Him begin my healing?" 

Well, I believe that is the core of the heart of this ministry.....My testimony of my healing journey is meant to be encouragement to you.

We need the reassurance that others have traveled this path before us. That there are successful stories of others being healed by the touch of the Great Healer. While I still have healing to do, I experience the joy of trusting Him now as I never have before. And when you can trust in your Daddy, life changes in the most amazing ways! So, please take the time to read some of my blog entries. I am very transparent in my struggles and in my joys. I pray that you are blessed and encouraged to begin the journey of letting the Lord begin to restore your heart to the heart of the little girl below. 

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